2010年5月27日 星期四



这里提到的bin是一种二进制镜像格式,以片断(section)为单位组织数据,每个片断都包括一个头,头里指定了起始地址,长度,校验值。 Platform Builder调用工具将WINCE内核所有文件以bin格式合并成一个文件,默认文件名为nk.bin。BootLoader又以同样的格式将 nk.bin分解成多个文件放到RAM中。可以在命令行中键入“viewbin nk.bin”来查看bin文件中具体包括了哪些内容。键入Cvrtbin命令转换.bin格式文件为.sre格式或者.abx格式。
nb0格式是原始的二进制镜像,它不包括头,一般情况下将内核下载到设备的RAM中运行都采用nb0格式。要生成nbx格式的文件,需要在相关.bib文 件中确定如下值:ROMSTART、ROMWIDTH、ROMSIZE


Romimage.exe is a locator application that creates Windows CE binary image (.bin) files, usually limited to a single file called Nk.bin. This means that Romimage

  • Reads Ce.bib to determine which %_FLATRELEASEDIR% binaries and files to include in the run-time image.
  • Assigns physical memory addresses to these binaries and files. (这部是如何实现的?)
  • Creates the run-time image Nk.bin.

For more information about Ce.bib, see Make Binary Image Tool.

最近想搞multi bin后来发现我的bootloader是优龙的,不支持binfs分区格式化, 我想把eboot下的代码移植过来,应该可以的。

但是我对则个binfs有点疑惑。按照道理说,binfs是针对nk.bin的,但是我们下载的时候却是nk.nb0,有些人下载nk.bin,但是下载 完还是要解压成nk.nb0的。

一个bin 文件在存储上是按下面的结构存储的

最后一条记录是表示结束,Start = 0x00000000, Length = 0x8C072C3C是StartUp地址, Chksum = 0x00000000

bin 文件的头部(不包括记录)可以用下面的结构表示
struct BinFile{
BYTE signature[7]; // = { ''B'', ''0'', ''0'', ''0'', ''F'', ''F'', ''\a'' }
DWORD ImageStart
DWORD ImageLength

一般xipkernel.bin,nk.bin 都符合正常bin文件格式,包含记录开始0,1,2 记录为特殊记录,2做为cece的标记,其后4byte表示 TOC地址(指向ROMHDR结构的数据),3记录开始都是文件记录,


首先,NK.BIN中的内容是被压缩过的,NK.NB0中的内容是没有压缩的。 两者大小的区别是因为在生成过程中BIN会将你设定的后面的NULL自动去掉,而NB0就不会。



At the end of the boot loader development process described in the topic How to Develop a Boot Loader, you will have two different binary images for the boot loader: a .bin file and an .nb0 file. The Microsoft Windows® CE binary image data format (.bin) file is the most common format for Windows CE binary images. It is a binary file that consists of a number of individual records with associated per-record bookkeeping data. The format is convenient for minimizing the amount of data to be downloaded to the target device by removing the need to pad between records. For more information about the .bin file format, see Windows CE Binary Image Data Format (.bin).

The .nb0 file format is a raw binary image of the boot loader. The image is as it appears in the memory on the target device and does not contain the header information that the .bin file includes. The .nb0 file is typically larger than the .bin file. The .nb0 file is useful for placing the initial boot loader image on the target device. This is usually done with a built-in monitor program provided by the board manufacturer. You can also place the initial boot loader image on the target device through a JTAG connection using a JTAG probe. Once the .nb0 image is stored on the device, it should be able to download and update itself using the .bin file format from then on.

我使用的是ADS开发的bootloader,这个bin文件不存在什么段的问题吧,应该和微软不一样的,全局变量的问题在哪里呢?但是现在造成偶 尔不能启动是什么原因呢?最后发现又回到了原点。看来ADS下的bin文件格式也要搞清楚才行哦。

